Spiritual Path

On the path of spirituality, one has to be open minded and meet everyone with BIG heart..As we all are spiritual but dont know who is evolved in what way..Omega divine Circle gives one platform to meet spiritual people world wide and to share their views about spirituality. Spiritual journey is an unending journey with infinite knowledge and experiences on can have while interacting with nature and its belongings..

Sunday 29 September 2013

Samskara or Impressions !!

"Samskara" can be translated very nearly by inherent tendency. Using the simile of a lake for the mind, every ripple, every wave that rises in the mind, when it subsides, does not die out entirely, but leaves a mark and a future possibility of that wave coming out again. This mark, with the possibility of the wave reappearing, is what is called Samskara. Every work that we do, every movement of the body, every thought that we think, leaves such an impression on the mind-stuff, and even when such impressions are not obvious on the surface they are sufficiently strong to work beneath the surface, subconsciously.

What we are every moment is determined by the sum-total of these impressions on the mind. What I am just at this moment is the effect of the sum-total of all the impressions of my past life. This is really what is meant by character; each man's character is determined by the sum-total of these impressions. If good impressions prevail, the character becomes good; if bad, it becomes bad. If a man continuously hears bad words, thinks bad thoughts, does bad actions, his mind will be full of bad impressions; and they will influence his thought and work without his being conscious of the fact. In fact, these bad impressions are always working, and their resultant must be evil; and that man will be a bad man; he cannot help it; the sum-total of these impressions in him will create the strong motive power for doing bad actions; he will be like a machine in the hands of his impressions, and they will force him to do evil. Similarly, if a man thinks good thoughts and does good works, the sum-total of these impressions will be good; and they, in a similar manner, will force him to do good even in spite of himself.

When a man has done so much good work and thought so many good thoughts that there is an irresistible tendency in him to do good, in spite of himself and even if he wishes to do evil, his mind, as the sum-total of his tendencies,will not allow him to do so; the tendencies will turn him back; he is completely under the influence of the good tendencies. When such is the case, a man's good character is said to be established.
Source: Teachings of Great Masters

Spiritual knowledge, Intellectual help & Physical help..

Spiritual knowledge is the only thing that can destroy our miseries for ever; any other knowledge satisfies wants only for a time. It is only With the knowledge of the spirit that the faculty of want is annihilated for ever; so helping man spiritually is the highest help that can be given to him; he who gives man spiritual knowledge is the greatest benefactor of mankind, and as such we always find that those were the most powerful of men who helped man in his spiritual needs; because spirituality is the true basis of all our activities in life. A spiritually strong and sound man will be strong in every other respect, if he so wishes; until there is spiritual strength in man even physical needs cannot be well satisfied.

Next to spiritual comes intellectual help; the gift of knowledge is a far higher gift than that of food and clothes; it is even higher than giving life to a man, because the real life of man consists of knowledge; ignorance is death, knowledge is life. Life is of very little value, if it is a life in the dark, groping through ignorance and misery.

Next in order comes, of course, helping a man physically. Therefore, in considering the question of helping others. We must always strive not to commit the mistake of thinking that physical help is the only help that can be given,it is not only the last but the least, because it cannot bring about permanent satisfaction. The misery that I feel when I am hungry is satisfied by eating, but hunger returns; my misery can cease only when I am satisfied beyond all want. Then hunger will not make me miserable; no distress, no sorrow will be able to move me. So that help which tends to make us strong spiritually is the highest, next to it comes intellectual help, and after that physical help.

Source: By Great Masters

Purpose of Meditation..

`Supreme Being (GOD) is the seer, the thinker, the all-pervading Self’. And, since the beginning of creation, He has distributed Himself in all objects according to their own nature while remaining attribute less. The Supreme Being has divided himself over the years into all the attributes seen in the world before us. By itself being without any movement, it has distributed itself to this variegated world. Therefore, to get back to It, one must turn away from this differentiation and get back into the Unity. Differentiation has taken place – now to get back into Unity is the purpose of Meditation.

`The Supreme Being is absolutely clear, still, silent, peaceful and all-pervading’. But we see only differences. We see only strife and chaos. Great Saints teach us to come out of this differentiation, back to the essential Unity. That is the purpose of the teaching and that is the purpose of meditation.

Source: Wisdom Of Rishis , by Sri M