Spiritual Path

On the path of spirituality, one has to be open minded and meet everyone with BIG heart..As we all are spiritual but dont know who is evolved in what way..Omega divine Circle gives one platform to meet spiritual people world wide and to share their views about spirituality. Spiritual journey is an unending journey with infinite knowledge and experiences on can have while interacting with nature and its belongings..

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Purpose of Life..

The main purpose of the great souls has been to understand the higher mysteries of life. Here is a warning not to postpone the knowledge of ‘Brahman’. Most people feel that there are many other things to do, more important than the search for truth. But then, we must realize that life can end at any moment, and therefore there is an urgency to know the reason why we live, what we live for and who are we. The sooner we realize this better, because one never knows what the future holds for us. If I came to know somehow that I was going to die tomorrow, or in a week’s time, what would I do? Would I go around trying to collect things which I could not take with me, or would I sit down and think, ‘Where am I going? What is in store after this life? Who am I?
So, great saints say, urgency is required. It has to be now. Let us begin our search now. One cannot swim in ocean straightway; first, one has to start in a little pool. Practice in the small pool. Start the practice now, with the sense of urgency.
‘If it is known, there is ‘Truth’; if it is not known, there is great loss’.

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