Spiritual Path

On the path of spirituality, one has to be open minded and meet everyone with BIG heart..As we all are spiritual but dont know who is evolved in what way..Omega divine Circle gives one platform to meet spiritual people world wide and to share their views about spirituality. Spiritual journey is an unending journey with infinite knowledge and experiences on can have while interacting with nature and its belongings..

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Meditation & Multidimensional Consciousness...

"Dimensions" are a means of organizing different planes of existence according to their vibratory rate. Each dimension has certain sets of laws and principles that are specific to the frequency of that dimension.

"Consciousness" represents awareness. The inhabitants of each dimension function clearly, easily, and with a minimum of resistance within that plane because their consciousness vibrates in resonance with the frequency of that dimension.

"Multidimensional Consciousness" is the ability to be "conscious" of more than one dimension. To be multidimensional in our consciousness we must remember that we have within us the potential to expand our perceptual awareness to the dimensions above and below our physical plane.

"Conscious" means aware of and able to attend to stimuli within the inhabitants' own dimension. The third dimensional self is conscious of what can be perceived by the five physical senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

"Superconscious" is a higher order of consciousness of the fifth dimension and above in which the inhabitants are able to be aware of and attend stimuli of their own dimension as well as all the lower dimensions. The superconscious is innately multidimensional. The third dimensional self can become "conscious" of the superconscious through meditation, prayer, and by surrendering to the enfoldment of the higher order consciousness.  

Dimensional Consciousness    
First dimensional consciousness is awareness as a point. 

The consciousness that resonates to this dimension is the Mineral Kingdom. Current third dimensional science has not proven that minerals have any awareness as we recognize it, but healers and shaman have been using crystals as healing tools for many centuries
Humans' first dimensional consciousness is "unconscious" to our five physical senses. However, the first dimension is a portion of our bodies and represents the minerals, water, and genetic codes that are the foundation of our physical forms. If we could access this level of our unconscious, we could connect with the entire physical world via its most basic common denominator, the individual molecules.
Perhaps we could even consciously access our own genetic coding.
However, as I look inside myself, I find that another world exists, a world of electrons, protons, nuclei, and quarks.

I am the gateway between the macrocosm and the microcosm.

Second dimensional consciousness is awareness as point and line.

  The consciousness that resonates to this dimension is biological matter such as the Plant Kingdom and the lower Animal Kingdom. The consciousness of this dimension does not possess self-awareness. These beings are only conscious of their species' identity and their need for feeding, fighting, and procreation. Their consciousness is based upon survival of the fittest and they live solely within the awareness of the moment.
Human second dimensional consciousness is centered in the lower brain, which directs the autonomic nervous system to regulate and maintain life support functions. Our five physical senses are largely unconscious of this component of ourselves, but with training such as biofeedback and meditations, some conscious awareness and control can be established.Yogis are known to achieve enough conscious control of their autonomic nervous system and can regulate their heartbeat and metabolism.
I feel myself now expand to my second dimensional consciousness. My task is simple. I must survive. I will protect myself and procreate in the proper season. I look neither forwards nor backwards, and I dwell only in the present. I am what I am and where I am. I neither plan nor reflect. I live to continue the existence of my species. If a human consciousness inhabits my form, I am not aware of it. 
My perceptions are confined to what I can eat, use, fight, mate with, or rear. However, my "herd" and I are one.
Our instincts guide us, and we are a part of Nature.

Third dimensional consciousness is awareness of point, line, length, breadth, height, and volume.
The third dimension is locked in a time/space and cause/effect paradigm.
The third dimension is known as the conscious world

The primary consciousness of this dimension is the higher Animal Kingdom and the Human Kingdom. The humanoid form is composed of all the elements of the first and second dimensional being, which are: water, minerals, genetic coding, and biological matter, as well as an individual soul. It is the individual Soul that distinguishes humans from the other members of the Animal Kingdom who mostly have a group Soul.

As humans we have the ability to remember the past and the future while remaining aware of the present.

As we - Our Third Dimensional Consciousness - expands from:
Individual Consciousness TO ~ Group Consciousness TO ~ Community Consciousness TO ~ National Consciousness TO ~ Collective Consciousness TO ~ Planetary Consciousness TO ~ Galactic Consciousness.
Third dimensional society and "science" seek to prove that the only reality that exists is the one we perceive with our five physical senses and urges us to believe that our 3D perceptions of reality ARE the only reality. From this state of consciousness, spirit congeals into matter and our consciousness is limited to our ego.  
Hence, the need for the development of a strong sense of ego is often gained at the cost of losing our sense of group identity. This limitation is especially in especially predominant in the Western World where individual achievement and possessions often become the most important parts of our lives.
Awareness of our Spiritual Self can only be remembered when we have expanded our consciousness to encompass the higher dimensions. Then we can release our dependency upon others and heal our sense of powerlessness and victimization. We then become independent in a new sense because we have realized that we and we alone, are creating our reality.

We are, thereby, more dependable then ever because we are not waylaid from our promises and goals by our own "unconscious" self-sabotage.
As we become more aware of the many aspects of our once forgotten self, our consciousness expands to encompass more that our ego and even more than our third dimensional reality. 

Fourth dimensional consciousness is awareness of point, length, breadth, height, volume, and time.  

The fourth dimension is also known as the Astral Plane, and the primary consciousness of this dimension is the Astral Body, which is also known as the "higher human." Because of the octave leap in vibration from third to fourth dimension the Astral Body is of a higher vibration known as etheric and fourth dimensional perception of past, present, and future is more fluid, as the laws of time and space change.
On the fourth dimension, we can reintegrate our group identity without the loss of our personal ego, as it is the last vibration where physical vehicles are used to contain individual consciousness.

However, because of the fluid nature of time and space our astral forms naturally morph. Hence, there is a huge mobility of form. It is the realm of the "shape shifters" of which mythology speaks.
The fourth dimension is the realm which holds the awareness of our body's first and second dimensional components, as well as all our past experiences of this life and all other third dimensional lives. We can expand our third dimensional consciousness into the fourth dimension through gaining an awareness of the inner-workings of our physical body, remembering our dreams, and having intense experiences of passion, emotion, creativity, and/or spirituality.
The Astral Plane is the realm of dream life. When we are "asleep", we are unconscious in the third dimension, but we are conscious in the fourth dimension. 

Our fourth dimensional Astral Body possesses advanced dreaming, imagination, psychic ability, intuition, magic, and creativity. As we expand our mind to frequency of the fourth dimension, we can experience more and more of these qualities while in our physical form.
Some people are born with an innate connection to their fourth dimensional self and must "work" to ground their consciousness in a third dimensional world that often feels foreign and hostile. 
Others are born without this awakened connection, and they usually feel more comfortable and "at home" within the third dimensional paradigm. These people often feel cut off from the higher dimensional portions of themselves and may not even believe that "higher selves" even exist.
However, our astral body does exist and its highest vibration is our Spiritual Guidance. Much like a person upon a mountaintop can observe and guide the residents of the valley below, our higher astral self can observe us upon the third dimension and give us guidance. Through the expanded perception of our fourth dimensional self we can create great changes in our physical world.
Upon the fourth dimension, thought and feelings create reality much more quickly than upon the third dimension, and fear can create evil as easily as love can create beauty and joy.

Each of the sub-planes of the fourth dimension has a correlate body, with every body resonating to a higher vibration than the latter.

  • ·The Emotional Body, also known as the Astral Body, is higher in vibration than the etheric and physical bodies and extends beyond them.
  • ·Overlaid on the lower frequency bodies is the Mental Body, which is also of higher vibration, and extends beyond the Emotional Body.
  •  Then the Causal Body, again another increase in vibration, overlays the other bodies and extends beyond the Mental Body.
  •  Finally, there is the Spiritual Body, the “I AM Presence,” which is the highest in vibration and extends beyond all the other bodies. The I AM Presence is the guardian to the Rainbow Bridge, which crosses over into the fifth dimension.
All the fourth dimensional bodies exist over, under, around, and through the physical body, but they cannot be seen by our five physical senses
If we can perceive the fourth dimension consciously, we can expand our awareness enough to cross the Rainbow Bridge into our Superconscious Mind of the fifth dimension.
We navigate out travel into and through the fourth dimension with our desires, thoughts, and emotions. A metaphor of this would be sailing the ocean. We are the boat, the ocean is the Astral Plane, the location we wish to reach is our desire, our thoughts are the sail and the steering, and the wind is our emotions.

If our emotions are fearful and tumultuous we will have an uncomfortable ride. 

If we wish to journey to the higher planes of the fourth dimension we must keep our thoughts harmonious and our feelings centered in the infinite balance of love. In that manner, eventually, we can experience all the planes of the fourth dimension. 

Then our I AM Presence can lead us across the Bridge into the fifth dimension and beyond.
I step into the fourth dimension. I see my connection to all of life and to my third dimensional selves on the step below me. However, I still experience myself as an individual.

My reality is very mutable now. Persons and places change quickly, but I am aware that it is my thoughts and feelings that dictate these experiences. My fearful thoughts create frightening situations, and my loving thoughts bring me happiness. If I follow my fear, I go down into a world of torment and sorrow.
However, if I follow love, I see a Rainbow Bridge of Light.

Fifth dimensional consciousness is awareness of length, breadth, height, time, and spirit. 

All life upon the fifth dimension lives in the Unity Consciousness of Spirit, but there is still an experience of "I" as an individual member of the group. Linear time and space do not bind consciousness here, and there is NO illusion of separation or limitation. Instead, there is a constant experience of the Oneness of God/Goddess/All That Is.
The primary consciousness of this dimension is androgynous, stellar beings living in Lightbodies. These Lightbodies are light based rather than our carbon based physical bodies. Our Lightbodies have the awareness of our lower selves without the physical limitations. These forms have no need for pain to learn their lessons.
Therefore, they do not need the protection and warning signals of the physical body. Our fifth dimensional selves have integrated the lessons that their lower dimensional selves are learning through the experiences of "Schoolroom Earth," and do not need physical suffering to learn.
All actions on this plane are based upon love because, just as a dead leaf cannot survive the higher vibration of a fire, fear cannot survive the higher vibration of the fifth dimension. If we were to experience fear while in the fifth dimension, our vibration would drop and our consciousness would instantly be lowered to the lower sub-planes of the fourth dimension.

 It is only within the consciousness of fifth dimensional Unconditional Love that we can maintain a conscious connection with our Spirit SELF.
On the fifth dimension, experience, creation, and travel are created in harmony with the Divine Will of God/Goddess/All That Is. Every being, place, situation, or location that is desired becomes instantly manifest.

If we do choose the experience of movement, it feels like a combination of flying and treading water. Our Lightbodies, like our fourth dimensional bodies, are mutable and can easily change form. Just as we can change our location or experience with our desire, we can also change the form of the "body" that surrounds our consciousness.
The fifth dimension is the beginning of ascension. Hence, all consciousness there is naturally multidimensional. 
    On the fifth dimension we live in,
  • ·         Unconditional Love
  • ·         Unconditional Forgiveness
  • ·         Unconditional Acceptance
We hold no judgment, guilt, or negativity towards the "lower" portions of ourselves that are striving to remember our "Higher Selves".  In fact, our fifth dimensional self serves as a guide to the lower aspects of our consciousness, as well as to others.
Understanding Dimensions of Consciousness
All five dimensions exist within, are a portion of, and emanate from, our third dimensional body. We are a vessel that we fill with our own multidimensional universe. 

Source: Multidimensions by Suzan Caroll

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