Spiritual Path

On the path of spirituality, one has to be open minded and meet everyone with BIG heart..As we all are spiritual but dont know who is evolved in what way..Omega divine Circle gives one platform to meet spiritual people world wide and to share their views about spirituality. Spiritual journey is an unending journey with infinite knowledge and experiences on can have while interacting with nature and its belongings..

Sunday 14 September 2014

Our Body - Different Layers/Bodies

Each of these parts of the Soul has its own nature and functions, and they play different roles in the awakening process

Biological or physical body: The physical body, for its part, is the body known to medical and biological science. It gives the material structure and serves as the material foundation and instrument of the other parts of the Soul, enabling the Soul to perceive and act in the realm of material experience. The five fingers given to us resembles the five elements by which our body is made up of.

Etheric body: Etheric body can be divided into two parts for clarity and better understanding.

Etheric Double and Aura.

Etheric double, somewhat resembles very closely to our material body, extending out perhaps an inch below or beyond the surface of our skin. It works as base or provides the framework of subtle formative energies on which the material body is built and it functions. It contains series of channels and center of energies( energy centers) which plays an important role in mystical work of our body.

The other part of our Etheric body is called Aura, also known as the sphere of sensation. This Aura is oval shaped form of energy surrounding the Etheric double and extending outwards several feet from the physical body. It plays an important role on energy interaction of our body and Cosmos. It works as an interface between the Etheric body of individual and that of Cosmos, and all the forces and energies of universe are reflected on its surface.

Astral body: This part of body is difficult to understand and to put into words or to be mapped out. The astral body can be defined as a another field of energies occupying roughly the same space as aura but constantly changing by pattern of thoughts and feelings. In other words, it means, Astral body is constantly shaped and reshaped by images, words, sensations and emotions. This Astral body interacts freely with the astral level of cosmos and with the astral bodies of other human and non human beings. That's why , it plays an important role in defining someone personality as it contains most of those parts of the self like , mental ability , inner intellect, will , memory, emotions and instruments of concrete consciousness.

Mental body: It can be considered as the essential pattern of soul which has been made or defined over many lifes. On high metaphorical sense , it is described as a subtle body. It has no particular location and cannot be located in a spatial sense. This body is also known as instrument of abstract consciousness. That means those thoughts which doesn't contain images or forms of the sort which we perceive by our senses. As it works on the level of abstract consciousness, it has the ability to perceive the core ideas and structures of experience, which exist outside of time and space.

The Spiritual Body: It is also known as Causal body which is the root or core of every soul, the essence or " Divine Spark " around above all the other layers of the soul are built up. It can also be known as the point of contact between the human and the supreme ( unity of being that). That's why it can be best imagined as pure being or energy which has no quality or without any other definition.

Thats why because of different thoughts, intellect, will, emotions and impressions ( created over life's) which has created pattern of soul, each soul energy vibrates and resonates in all various subtle bodies of man. The results of resonance within all the subtle bodies of living being reveals something very beautiful ( Like attraction, love, liking , desire, etc) or something too complex to explain. Overall, it is linked to the intangible Presence of "I".

As we consider the different bodies and levels of the Soul and understand that their awakening process depends on our need to purify the psyche (etheric and astral bodies) then, the spiritual purification and transformation process unfold and we  increasingly come closer to manifest whatever is engrained and inherent in our spiritual “blueprint” – the karmic plan which the  Soul (Permanent Witness) has prepared for a given incarnation.

As we all resonate to different rate and vibrations, we must learn to resonate with the pure part of our soul which is" Divine spark". That will connect us with higher cosmic energies and resonance of higher impulses are felt and manifested in lower astral, etheric and physical bodies as well. Thus by letting divine energy flow and divine operations will bring karmic gifts, which will awake our subtle bodies helping us to initiate to continue the mystical journey and wisdom towards "Supreme"


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