Spiritual Path

On the path of spirituality, one has to be open minded and meet everyone with BIG heart..As we all are spiritual but dont know who is evolved in what way..Omega divine Circle gives one platform to meet spiritual people world wide and to share their views about spirituality. Spiritual journey is an unending journey with infinite knowledge and experiences on can have while interacting with nature and its belongings..

Wednesday 2 September 2015


In the spiritually “demagnetized” or “body conscious” condition, the soul which is ageless, immortal and indestructible experiences negative emotions like anger, ego, greed, hatred, jealousy,etc. The aging process and deterioration of the cells is accelerated through the hyperactivity of the senses.
In the spiritually “magnetized” condition or “soul conscious” condition, the soul is in its rightful place as ruler of the body, sitting on its throne between the eyebrows. In this condition the reverse occurs.By shunning grossness and remaining in a state of Rajyoga (connection) with the Supreme Being,the body and brain cells are rejuvenated. A fathomless peace descends on the mind which has there mark-able effect of “cooling” or de-exciting the sense organs.The soul has seven innate positive qualities - peace, joy, love, bliss, knowledge, purity and power.
In meditation I create an awareness of myself as a soul, which leads to an experience of these qualities. The non physical soul is intimately connected with each cell of the physical body.These qualities of the soul flow as spiritual energy to each cell and nourish them. The mind acts as a sieve between the spiritual energy (soul) and the body. When the mind creates negative thoughts,the sieve of the mind gets blocked thereby blocking the flow of this spiritual energy. These negative thoughts attract toxins, viruses, bacteria, etc. towards cells of the diseased organ. The immune system gets damaged which leads to disease. Positive thoughts have the reverse effect.These vibrations of purity soothe, heal and energize my physical system........The impurities, toxins and illnesses in the body are being washed away and thrown out from the extremities........The body starts experiencing its original inner beauty........It returns to a state of harmony, to a state of good health........The above meditation commentary can be modified to heal the body with all the different virtues of the soul.
Each intrinsic virtue of the soul is specially required for nurturing and empowering one human body system. The virtue of peace is responsible for sustaining the respiratory system, joy for the gastrointestinal system, love for the circulatory system, bliss for the endocrine system, knowledge for the brain and nervous system, purity for the immune system and the five senses and power for the muscular and skeletal systems.Each one of us has at least one body system which is most susceptible to disease. When our mind is under the influence of stressful emotions, there is a decrease in the flow, from the soul to this body system, of that virtue which is required by it for its upbringing, which leads to the development of disease in this system over a period of time.