Spiritual Path

On the path of spirituality, one has to be open minded and meet everyone with BIG heart..As we all are spiritual but dont know who is evolved in what way..Omega divine Circle gives one platform to meet spiritual people world wide and to share their views about spirituality. Spiritual journey is an unending journey with infinite knowledge and experiences on can have while interacting with nature and its belongings..

Monday 27 December 2021

What is Bhakti ?

 In Bhakti there is not only singing of Kirtans, bhajans and other act of devotion, as most people think it to be. Bhakti is essentially an attitude by which a person begins to understand the limitations of the movement of the intellect. When the intellect begins to understand how limited its reach is, then it cuts itself out. It becomes absolutely silent. When fancy can no more unfurl its wings, when it settles down, then what remains is the experience of the Supreme Self. That means, the little "I" has to go. Someone once said that the shortest cut is to cut the ego into two! That is easier said than done!

It has explained how anything that you know, in the ordinary sense, is merely knowledge that is stored in the memory, and therefore, not a thing which is in the present. You recall it, then you say, " I have the knowledge of it." But the Supreme Being, if one has to know at all, is always present now, at this moment! It is nothing that can be stored in the memory. Therefore, it cannot be known in the usual mode, like when we say, "I know something, I have understood something." This understanding is a permanent affair. Once understood, always understood!

Source: Kenopanishad

What Are the Symptoms of Negative Energy in a Body?

Since your mind and body are deeply  intertwined, your mental negativity or negative thought has a physical manifestation in your body as well.

Besides feeling low and  gloomy, you may also experience  one or more of symptoms like -tense muscles, shallow breathing, increased blood pressure, elevated levels of adrenalin and cortisol – a classic stress response. Just like one bad day, a little stress here and there is nothing to be concerned about. Chronic stress, however, can cause serious health problems from cardiovascular diseases to different mental health problems. 

Some of the symptoms of negative energy in your body can include: 

Any sudden deterioration in health. 

Sudden loss of energy

Increased negative thoughts






Headaches or other pain in any part of the body

Stomach aches

Fatigue, Vertigo and exhaustion

Heavy breathing

Skin problems

Confusion and tension

Sudden mood swings

Anxiety or depression

Suicidal thoughts

*The question is, how to get rid of negative energy?*

1. Cleanse Your Home

Break up negative energy patterns by walking through every room and clapping loudly or making loud noises with drums, gongs, even pots and pans. Have you ever noticed how light and fresh everything seems after a thunderstorm? It’s the same concept!

Use a small bowl of sea salt in the northeast and southwest corners of your home. This Feng Shui practice helps balance Chi (energy) to flow through your home. 

Add living plants to your spaces. Remove dead or dying plants immediately, 

2. Burn incense.

Smudge your home with sage. Sage is one of the most widely used herbs to clear negative energy with.

Bring in some crystals and place them strategically. One of the stones to place by your front door is black tourmaline – to keep negativity out and abundance in.

2. Spend Time in Nature

3. Smile and Laugh

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”

The positive effects of a smile make it difficult to sustain any negativity which means you can’t help but improve your mood and vibration by smiling.

Smiling triggers happy healing *hormones such as ecstatic endorphins and immune-boosting killer T-cells,* whereas frowning triggers stress hormones.

4. Meditate

Love being the highest vibration, infusing yourself and your living and workspaces.

Meditating on the divine will infuse you and your life with the highest energy vibration - love. This in turn will heal you and serve as your armour.

5. Take Divine Protection From Within.

Become simple, Simplicity brings purity of heart, then GOD has no choice but to come and dwell in such a heart. 
