Spiritual Path

On the path of spirituality, one has to be open minded and meet everyone with BIG heart..As we all are spiritual but dont know who is evolved in what way..Omega divine Circle gives one platform to meet spiritual people world wide and to share their views about spirituality. Spiritual journey is an unending journey with infinite knowledge and experiences on can have while interacting with nature and its belongings..

Sunday 31 March 2013

From Differentiation to Unity !!

`Supreme Being (GOD) is the seer, the thinker, the all-pervading Self’. And, since the beginning of creation, He has distributed Himself in all objects according to their own nature while remaining attributeless. The Supreme Being has divided himself over the years into all the attributes seen in the world before us. By itself being without any movement, it has distributed itself to this variegated world. Therefore, to get back to It, one must turn away from this differentiation and get back into the Unity. Differentiation has taken place – now to get back into Unity is the purpose of Meditation.
`The Supreme Being is absolutely clear, still, silent, peaceful and all-pervading’. But we see only differences. We see only strife and chaos. Great Saints teach  us to come out of this differentiation, back to the essential Unity. That is the purpose of the teaching and that is the purpose of meditation.

Self Image: Ego, pride, Anger, Lust & ????

When a description of the Supreme Being is given and when it is said that one’s essential identity is not different from that Supreme Being, The saint who moves closer and closer to That Supreme Being begins to have these attributes little by little. So the person established in the stability of the Supreme Self also `cannot be injured’. Of course, if he stands in the middle of the road and gets hit, he will be injured; but we don’t mean that! Psychologically, one cannot injure him, because he has not made an image for himself. There is nothing that one can break; because only if one has an image can it be broken! Here, images have all been discarded and there is only stillness. One should remember as long as there is movement, (movement in Mind which gives birth to Ego & Pride) there is an image.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Oneness of the Self !!

`When one realizes that That Supreme Self is the inner reality of all beings, when one realizes that all beings are verily his own Self,’
`Such a person, who is established in complete Oneness, when he sees that all is One, where in him is the place for delusion and where is the place for sorrow?’
They say there is no cure for baldness-but there is something that is worse – jealousy. When one sees somebody prospering, one is consumed with jealousy instead of feeling happy! Why is this? This is because one sees two people here- I am different, and you are different. But that person, who sees the essential oneness of everything, enjoys another person having something. He says to himself, ‘whether I have it or that person has it, it is the same thing.’ Of course, this is very easy to say but very difficult to actually feel. It needs lot of practice and while practicing one has to first firmly believe that the essential Self is not different in you and me.
When, one first firmly believe that the essential Self is not different in you and in me- `then there is no delusion, then there is no sorrow’- because when the world enjoys, it is my enjoyment! In the same way, therefore, such a person also must necessarily have compassion, because when somebody else suffers, it becomes his own suffering.
The `oneness of the Self’, where he is `alone’ but knows that `all is One’. Somebody once said that `alone’ really means `all One’, although we think that `alone’ means `separate’.

Monday 25 March 2013

Mind is the Eye of Eye..

The mind is the eye of the eye. Even if the eye is open and all the images that are in front of me are falling on my retinal screen, if my mind is not concentrated, I do not see anything. I might be thinking of something else and therefore `seeing’ something else. Therefore, ` the eye of this eye’ is the mind- because it is the one that sees; it observes, it decides, it chooses. The `eye’ of the physical eye is `the mind’. Suppose I find out that `I’ am the `eye’ of the mind- how wonderful it is! `I’ am the `eye’ of the mind, which is the eye of the eye. So, being that `eye’ of the eye-being the essence of Consciousness, all that we see, hear, operate – everything works because of this, which is the true `I’, which is the SOUL!

Even though the eye sees everything it is not able to see itself. Yet it does not rule out the existence of the eye! So too, it is because of the `I’, the consciousness, that the whole world is going on. That consciousness is absolutely stillness, without any movement at all. Therefore, the closer the mind goes to this state of stillness, the more it is able to comprehend what the great Saints are talking about.

By: Sri M.

Supreme Being !!

Supreme Being pervades everything here. There is no way that you can get out of this Supreme Being, whether you like it or not. Either you are within or the Supreme Being is within you. You can look at it both ways!

That means, a person who begins to understand, who is absolutely still and quiet, who begins to inhale the fragrance of that Supreme Being - he sees that he has no enemies anymore. He cannot be revolted; he cannot be against anything or anybody, because he sees his Self in them and their Self in him. That Supreme Being pervades all.

To consider yourself as a separate person, and therefore create a division between `you’ and `me’: this is to cease. Only when this ceases, we can forge global unity for the human race – not through politics, not through social work, but through understanding that there is no division between `you’ and `me’. That is the only way, because we have tried all other ways. The only way is for a human being to understand that he is not different from other human beings. That can take place only when one begins to look deep within oneself to find out what is the essential being – not what has been built around it.